Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
When things don’t go according to “the plan.”
As of last Sunday, December 6th, Luke and I have been engaged for a full year. The plan was to be engaged for less than a year. The plan was that wedding prep would go oh-so-smoothly. The plan was for me to live in my current apartment for less than six months. The plan was to…
Hipster shaming… I’m over it.
In Nashville, everyone is pretty particular about their music. People here pride themselves on knowing all about the up and coming talents before anyone else. I mean, this is Music City, and in general, the population has a good ear to spot a hit before most of the nation. With that knack for as-yet-undiscovered, there’s this…
Pinterest projects and the joy of hospitality.
Last weekend, my lovely friends Abby and Rebecca came to spend a weekend in Franklin/Nashville. This is probably nerdy, but I think I was just as excited about preparing my little guest room for them as I was about them actually coming. There’s something about making people feel loved, accepted and welcomed that makes my heart…
Mountaintops and #MCM
Today, I need to take time to brag on the wonderful man in my life. My loving, providing, caring, and devoted fiancé. Before I begin, a slight disclaimer– I’m completely okay now, healthy as a horse. But, this is a lovely selfie from the Vanderbilt Hospital ER, where Luke took me around 4 PM on…
Dear Sprynkle
Dear Sprynkle, I may never know your real name, but “Sprynkle” was on your nametag, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget that name. We’ve never really met, technically. You were working in the drive thru at one of my favorite lunch spots near my office. It was a sunny, beautiful Friday. I had just…
Snow flurries and the grace of God.
Right after my third-grade self screamed and did a little jumping dance around our living room, I rushed to wake up my brother to tell him it was a snow day. There was no time to waste! Snow was such a rare occurrence in Georgia that it had to be celebrated when it came. I…
Got any book recommendations?